Do you know where your food comes from?
- Grocery stores?
- Restaurants?
- Food trucks?
Meat, eggs, cheese, milk — most of the animal products in Canada come from animals that are "factory farmed". These gentle animals are raised in crowded barns. They have no chance to act naturally, to feel grass under their feet, or know the pleasure of a kind human touch.
You can make kind choices
- Learn about farm animals
- See the film we had made about farm animal transportation You will see better choices for transportation at the end of the film.
- Read how factory farming hurts the environment
- Visit a farm sanctuary and meet some real farm animals rescued from factory farms.
- Learn about food labels and talk to your parents about buying food from animals that have been humanely raised.
- Learn what else you can do

Choosing humane products and eating less meat, eggs, and dairy products can go a long way toward reducing the suffering.